Monsterwas the suspense/thriller anime that took the community by storm during the mid-2000s. It focuses on a conflicted Dr. Tenma who finds that a young male child he one time saved years ago has at present become a conspiring, mass murderer. Tenma now hunts the streets of Europe, looking for the boy and a means of finding peace or solace in his deportment.

In a earth where some of the best thrillers in anime are quick-paced, supernatural or horror pieces, like Death Annotation or Some other, it'south refreshing to observe a series so content with the tiresome yet ever too intimate horrors of just the homo grade. And what better mode to explore that existential horror than with the series' leading villain, the young boy of Tenma's e'er-living regret: Johan Liebert? A genetic product and nurtured heir of the fascist regime, Johan leads through the series a campaign of destruction in an effort to leave him the last human standing on Earth. This list will exist looking into that psyche, as it runs downwardly ten of Johan's well-nigh disturbing quotes.

10 How weak the heed when information technology wants to forget. Maybe yous didn't forget. Maybe you're just lying. Is information technology a prevarication you tell to everyone around you or perhaps a lie you tell to yourself?

As much of a nihilist as Johan is, there is a function of him, namely his babyhood years, that vied for a sense of authenticity or, at least, escape from a globe that was constantly trying to experiment with or constrain he and his sis, Anna.

Such a struggle to identify between what is real and false manifests in his developed years every bit a struggle to identify what is the 18-carat moral self, whether that's a truthful product of the cocky or a byproduct of society's preconceptions. This is specially troubling during times of great stress, when the mind will try to rewrite memories and even one's entire memories for an easier earth view.

9 In that location's nothing special about being born. Not a affair. Virtually of the universe is just death, nothing more than. In this universe of ours, the birth of a new life on some corner of our planet is goose egg but a tiny, insignificant flash. Death is a normal matter. So why alive?

Johan takes a very far step back here, as he observes the significance of human life from the furthest distance possible. As impersonal and distant as a privileged ruler is over an impoverished society, Johan is someone who outright looks abroad from the more intimate, personal, and emotional values of life.

Looking as far dorsum in the scope every bit he is, what is the value of any life within the seemingly countless surface area of the universe, an countless darkness filled with much larger things than a human being.

viii I saw hell right at that place in his eyes. Hell, in the eyes of a living human.

However, whenever Johan does get the gamble to look in the optics of guild, his victims, the more often than not disenfranchised, unfortunate, and misfortuned, he can only see and experience fear and misery.

Johan's entire thoughts on the human form are of weakness and vulnerability thrust into an indifferent and always painful earth. That is to say, in the optics of the humanity that he perceives, the idea and living of Hell is something manifested from a roughshod reality, i.e. being itself.

7 For yous, all lives are created equal. That'due south why I came back to life. Only you've finally come up to realize it now, haven't y'all? Simply one affair is equal for all, and that is expiry.

Dr. Tenma'south character as a whole is truly a man of his profession, trying to save lives and do no harm. Still, when the very life that he saves direct seeks to wreak damage, the question arises of whether or not that life truly deserved to live or not.

Johan, in this instance, is shoving that very crisis right in Tenma's face, as he posits what true equality for humanity is, given that his existence represents the potential of life also becoming the potential end of life. If Johan truly needs to die, then equality is not of that potential but of the inevitability of death.

6 Being born really isn't that uncommon... Most everything in this earth is meant to die. In this earth, a life built-in is nothing more than than an insignificant speck, and shouldn't even be counted as an existence. Death is natural.

Edifice from the aforementioned token every bit before, Johan is reflecting on how special the creation of life is.

As much of a miracle as people would like it to be, the fact that it happens as frequently every bit it does, resulting in the populations that it does, really waters downwards the sanctity of life, particularly in comparison to how those great numbers nevertheless compare with a wider, more pregnant existence.

5 The big secret to breaking the rules is to arrive look every bit though you're following them.

How else does one bear witness that there is a broken gild other than simply running through the cracks himself? One of the all-time parts of Johan's character is the fact that he doesn't accept those immediately identifiable characteristics of villainy establish in Disney films or children's books.

In reality, the true villains of life are those walking next everyone in a oversupply, no more suspecting than the Average Joe. It is when a villain embraces that beingness that they are at the greatest liberty to interruption the rules equally they please.

four Do you remember your sin will disappear if y'all prevarication?

Johan is at his virtually sadistic and painful when confronting the wrongs and inner demons of others. The world of Monster is one of ethical and moral ambiguity, where no person is free of pain or sin. However, there is this social, systemic tendency amongst guild to dress its mistakes and misfortunes as they were something else.

This ties back to Johan's ain struggle with identity and reality when displaced in a world trying to reshape people for cruel ends. Having been born and trying to escape from the prevarication, Johan subsequently becomes an expert in them.

3 Tell me, what do yous recall is the ultimate fear? I really thought that I'd already reached the darkest of the night, merely then, alee of me, I beheld a darkness even greater notwithstanding.

The world is full of seemingly endless pain and darkness. Johan is the byproduct of various systemic corruption, whether that'southward past experimentation, the emotional abuse of family unit, or fifty-fifty that of a hidden Nazi conspiracy.

In a earth where everything really tin can get worse, Johan becomes the deep-bounding main explorer traversing the furthest depths. With someone as distant of a view of human being life, Johan is trying to assess here the value of man values and what some fears could hateful to greater ones.

two Hatred is created when people get together. I just poured a lilliputian oil on it.

For reference, Johan is talking almost how he started a kid uprising in his old orphanage/fascist experimentation camp, Kinderheim 511. Hatred can merely be born equally a result of the existence of other people and the tension and prejudice that they bring.

From there, all it takes is a picayune motivation, a push to get those aforementioned people to human activity on their inner repulsion. Even with children, this antithetical social norm is incredibly volatile, showing no one is free of that prejudice and that no ane is condom from the hatred.

1 The end? What is the end...I've seen the end many times. What is the end?

Johan's entire being throughout the series, whether that'southward making children fight one another or trapping a bunch of people in a library fire, is that of an explorer or a philosopher trying to shred the mystery of life down to its bare essentials, trying to place what the base of operations course and purpose of beingness is.

For Johan, a destructive and warped babyhood lead him to venture downward a path of torture and death, trying to identify what is the worst that humanity tin take until information technology kills itself or, at to the lowest degree, him. For someone who has faced "the cease" several times, what that ultimate evil or destruction tin can be is truly a mystery to him.

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